Welcome to Our Permaculture Homestead

After 13 years of researching “doomsday preppers” and homesteading for my apocalyptic novel, We Can Save Us All, I realized I had none of the survival skills I’d been writing about. I wanted to change that. Without becoming a total weirdo.

We began preparing our home to survive a grid-down situation, and dove into homesteading projects to inform our new lifestyle.

Here’s what happened next…

Permaculture Homesteading How-Tos and Articles

Mapping and Planning Adam Nemett Mapping and Planning Adam Nemett

Mapmaking for Our Permaculture Homestead

In fiction they like to use the term “world-building” to describe this kind of work. Though every detail won’t and shouldn’t make it onto the page, I think it’s important and useful for a writer to have a sense of the world their fake people live in. It’s equally important for you to understand and envision the world you’re creating on your property.

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